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  • Tenon

    By Weitian Li       2019





    *本测验一道题共分三部分,每部分12题,共36 题,每道题回答正确得1分,半对或者逻辑不完美得0.5分,总共36分。



    *完成测验后,您需要将您的答案(以文本形式复制到邮件正文中,如果提交手写答案,因字迹不清引起的赋分有误由答题人自行承担责任。)连同基本信息(姓名、性别、年龄、估分、完成测试所花时间,还有在其他标准测试中的成绩)一起发送到我的邮箱3056919600@qq.com。如果我在 7 个工作日内没有回复,请再次发送。


    * Tenon is a digital high-range IQ test. It mainly tests people's numeral sense ability. It can't measure the exact IQ, but the smart ones tend to score high. The general relationship between the original score and theoretical IQ should be compared with the scale.

    * The test recommended age over 10.

    * When you think a question has more than one answer, please submit the one that you think has the most logical aesthetic feeling. If you can't judge, you can write clearly the logic and the answer. I will give the score as I see fit.

    * This test is divided into three parts, each part 12 questions, a total of 36 questions, each question answered correctly 1 point, half right or logic imperfect 0.5 points, a total of 36 points.

    * The difficulty of the subject does not increase with the number of the subject, so please think carefully about each question and discuss with others that the test is strictly prohibited.

    *Due to the great energy required for the design and approval, please transfer 60 yuan to my Alipay 3056919600@qq.com.Or use Wechat Scanning 2-D Code Payment (Payment 2-D code at the bottom of the page).before submitting and give me the name.

    * After completing the test, you need to copy your answers (in text form to the body of the email, if you submit a handwritten answer, the respondent will be responsible for the misassignment caused by unclear handwriting.) Together with basic information (name, gender, age, score, time spent completing the test, and scores in other standard tests), it was sent to my mailbox 3056919600@qq.com. If I don't reply within 7 working days, please send it again.

    正式题目部分 Official title section


    (1) 3,16,?,66

    (2) 3,7,21,21,?,27

    (3) 0,2,4,?,416

    (4) 1,4,3,8,?,12

    (5) I-T-T,F-L-E,1-3-?

    (6) 8,8,12,?,22

    (7) 1,5,7,19,?,41

    (8) 2,?,2,2,4,?,2,6,2

    (9) 61,42,23,?,84

    (10) 71,42,?,61,12

    (11) 2,3,5,2,7,5,?,?

    (12) 11,22,?,57,?,1320


    (13) 664,5615,?,3611537,261153728,1611537289

    (14) 1,1,?,5,?,729

    (15) 15732,?,55620,50200,?

    (16) 673,412,261,302,?,1700

    (17) 4,7,8,14,?,28

    (18) 0,?,-2,1,-4,9,3,?,7,1

    (19) 42,32,83,?,47

    (20) k,e,y,s,?,g

    (21) 12345,36912,916126,?,191918118

    (22) 57,47,?,39

    (23) 179,119,88,?,90,99

    (24) 343,?,858,2704,1512


    (25) 4,8,8,16,15,?,18

    (26) 1,2,4,?,0,0

    (27) 37,?,43,49,52,54,56,59

    (28) 79,142,?,322

    (29) 13,11,?,28,?,86

    (30) 3,6,9,12,?,?,-3

    (31) 5731,3477,?,?,1764,1377

    (32) 675,585,567,?,774

    (33) ?,2163,21216,2121,212

    (34) 276,426,438,?,609,759

    (35) 12,0,2,0,0,?

    (36) 573,194,451,456,?,98

    初次量表             — 2019.5


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